What's new with you?
Okay I keep getting questions like "New job what?" and "Moving where?" so I guess I haven't filled everyone in on where my life is at right now. So in a nutshell:
Most of you know I've been ready for a new job for ages but now that it really is time to look I am totally slacking so I doubt anything will happen until the new year. I've been here for five years and on the plus side, I am now vested in the retirement system, but I am also thoroughly sick of this joint and need to move on. It is pretty nervewracking since I haven't done this whole thing since the post-college job hunt but I suppose that's life. I'm looking for something charitable but it doesn't necessarily have to be at a charity. I'd be happy to work in a community development type program at a corporation, since I've never really been in the private sector. But at this point I'm not going to be too picky. As long as it pays at least a decent chunk more than I'm making now and will look good on the resume in a couple years, I'll take it. Wish me luck!
And my latest excuse for not looking for a new job is the fact that I'm moving at the end of December. I'm sure all of you who have partied on Pond Isle will be sad to hear it, but the roomies are going their separate ways at the end of the lease and I just don't have the strength to take on more strangers from Craigslist. I'm actually pretty sad because I love that house so much and I've been so happy there. But I know that the majority of the happiness comes from spending time there with you all, and so hopefully I can convince you to drive a couple extra blocks to come see me at my new place. I've got a great apartment picked out right around the corner from where I am now (even closer to Trader Joe's, yay!), but I think I want to check out just a couple more places before I make the final decision. I'll let you know when I do, because that will determine the schedule for the LAST PARTY at the old place and the MOVING PARTY for the new place!
So that's where I'm at. I'm pretty stressed, and having to deal with all of this stuff over the holidays is lame, but hopefully things will be nice and settled in time for 2006! HOLY CRAP--2006!
Most of you know I've been ready for a new job for ages but now that it really is time to look I am totally slacking so I doubt anything will happen until the new year. I've been here for five years and on the plus side, I am now vested in the retirement system, but I am also thoroughly sick of this joint and need to move on. It is pretty nervewracking since I haven't done this whole thing since the post-college job hunt but I suppose that's life. I'm looking for something charitable but it doesn't necessarily have to be at a charity. I'd be happy to work in a community development type program at a corporation, since I've never really been in the private sector. But at this point I'm not going to be too picky. As long as it pays at least a decent chunk more than I'm making now and will look good on the resume in a couple years, I'll take it. Wish me luck!
And my latest excuse for not looking for a new job is the fact that I'm moving at the end of December. I'm sure all of you who have partied on Pond Isle will be sad to hear it, but the roomies are going their separate ways at the end of the lease and I just don't have the strength to take on more strangers from Craigslist. I'm actually pretty sad because I love that house so much and I've been so happy there. But I know that the majority of the happiness comes from spending time there with you all, and so hopefully I can convince you to drive a couple extra blocks to come see me at my new place. I've got a great apartment picked out right around the corner from where I am now (even closer to Trader Joe's, yay!), but I think I want to check out just a couple more places before I make the final decision. I'll let you know when I do, because that will determine the schedule for the LAST PARTY at the old place and the MOVING PARTY for the new place!
So that's where I'm at. I'm pretty stressed, and having to deal with all of this stuff over the holidays is lame, but hopefully things will be nice and settled in time for 2006! HOLY CRAP--2006!
At 9:43 AM,
Shelley said…
I'm glad you found a new apartment you like! I know how stressful that can be!
At 12:28 PM,
Akasha said…
Good luck, if you need any resume proof reading let me know.. when Bayer laid us all of we got 3 months of career counseling which included resume review, interview skills, negotiation skills, etc.. I've helped a few people beef up their resume and cover letters.. :)
At 12:02 AM,
el walto said…
How can you get any closer to Trader Joe's??? Wow! I guess you'll be able to walk it now, which I'm sure will be nice. I wonder where everyone is going? I figured I'd see more of Andrew or Lolomi, but they're like spotted leopards or something.
Good luck on the job hunt… may your potential new coworkers be competent, your boss be smart, and the benefits be better than 3rd quarter oil company earnings.
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