Beverly: A Broad

What more could I possibly say?

Thursday, October 20, 2005

What, like I'm going to work for the last hour of the day?

Okay guys, I'm just test driving this whole blog thing, and now I realize that I don't necessarily have much to say. Unless you want me to start talking shit, I can do that all day long for damn sure. But until someone pisses me offf enough to get called out in cyberspace, we're going with a Seinfeld-esque blog about nothing:

As of yesterday, I have officially been at my job for five VERY LONG years. It's amazing that I lasted this long really, this place is totally crazy. I will refrain from talking detailed shit because we all know that's a bad idea in a public forum, but suffice to say that the administration of this institution does not live up to it's renowned place in the academic world.

I've started looking at other opportunities and honestly it is making me pretty nervous. I mean I 'm sure I will eventually get a job, it is just going to be a lot of work finding one and I'm rusty since I haven't been on an interview for five years and one week. And then I will have to learn all sorts of new things, and meet new people, and maybe even commute more, yuck. Boo hoo hoo, poor me! But since I plan to be paid a whole hell of a lot more than I'm making now it should all be worth it. So send me good vibes and any leads you have in the non-profit arena, preferably in the $100K+ range, thanks!


  • At 8:41 PM, Blogger Akasha said…

    I second the sex industry idea!

  • At 8:26 AM, Blogger Shelley said…

    I have faith! You'll find something great!

  • At 10:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    sex industry is a great idea... as long as it's not 'sexing chickens at foster farm'.

  • At 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm sending you positive Viiibessss.....xoxo-Haydee


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