The time has come, my little friends...
You asked, I answer. Walt, you may want to skip over these first few questions...
1) When was the last time you had sex, and did you have an orgasm?
Just for you "buttersnatch," last night, heh. I'm always looking for an excuse to make Tim put out! As for the second part of the question, nope. I think that highlights a fundamental difference between guys and girls: for us it isn't always about the orgasm, because you can get that warm, fuzzy, totally satisfied feeling (both physical and emotional) without a climax. Don't get me wrong though, orgasms are fucking fantastic (punny!) and I am very happy to say that Tim has mad skillz in that area.
2) Comment deleted
3) Pads or tampons?
Hi, it's 2006, tampons. I can't believe they even still make pads. All you need is one major accident (purple shorts, seventh grade, I'm still traumatized because I had to call my goddamned DAD to get permission to go home and change) and you will never again make that mistake. I don't wear anything at night (except granny panties) because I feel gravity is in my favor there. Except when I want some action, then I highly recommend these.
4) Can I ask why was the comment [question #2] deleted?
You'd have to ask the author, I never saw it.
5) I want to know how to debone a fish or roast a chicken.
One word: Martha. But I'll say it twice so I can give you two links: Martha, again.
6) What is the remedy for apathy at work?
Well first you have to decide what the problem is, you or the workplace. If it's the particular workplace rather than your profession in general you can ask your boss ask for some more challenging projects, or volunteer to take on additional responsibilities that are outside of your job and could give you a breather from the same old grind. But we all know that's probably not going to help. So start looking for a new job.
If it's more of a personal problem than a situational issue, you're just going to have to determine what motivates you. For most of us the desire to avoid getting fired is just about enough. Set your own goals and have rewards and consequences (chicken tikka masala on Friday if you're all caught up on paperwork, overtime if not even if that cuts into your weekend plans) that you actually stick to.
Relatively few people like to work, especially on stupid bureaucratic crap but we've all got to do it. Try to think about why you got into your industry in the first place, and if the opportunity to save lost puppies or whatever isn't doing it for you anymore maybe you need a change.
7) I actually want to know what the heck is an RSS feed and how does it work?
RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication and it is essentially a broadcast from a website that lets you know that content has been updated. You set up a website or other collection mechanism (I think you can use Blackberries and stuff) and they monitor the incoming info and hang on to it for you. It is almost sort of like Tivo for the internet, but obviously nowhere near as cool. I think it started out more as a tool for keeping up on the news, but now it's all over the place, including on blogs such as this one.
8) What would you do if chicken tikka masala ceased to exist?
Actually, and it surprised me as much as it will you, but I wouldn't really care. I'm more of a paneer tikka masala girl these days.
9) When are you going to cook one of your yummy cheesy tasty dishes?
As soon as somone invites me to a potluck (with more than 24 hrs notice).
10) If you had to wear a toga to work, would you wear it proudly?
Hells yes! That shit would be so comfortable. My only concern would be wearing white all the time, so hopefully my workplace would support the modern toga, in a variety of lovely patterns and fabrics.
11) How about this for a headline? Beverlicious: Sweet and Saucy
Well done on noticing my secret contest! Unfortunately I think that headline is one of those things that someone else can say about you, but if you say it about yourself you look like an idiot. Wouldn't you want to smack someone who described herself as "saucy"?
12) With the newest evidence found by scientists supporting the big bang theory, what effect do you think it will have on creationist theory and religion in general?
Absolutely none whatsoever. The various churches of the world will continue to blatantly ignore science unless it supports their crazy bullshit. And on that topic, how can a "religion" that thinks we're all aliens call itself Scientology?
13) Walt, is that a rhetorical question?
No. And don't call me Walt.
1) When was the last time you had sex, and did you have an orgasm?
Just for you "buttersnatch," last night, heh. I'm always looking for an excuse to make Tim put out! As for the second part of the question, nope. I think that highlights a fundamental difference between guys and girls: for us it isn't always about the orgasm, because you can get that warm, fuzzy, totally satisfied feeling (both physical and emotional) without a climax. Don't get me wrong though, orgasms are fucking fantastic (punny!) and I am very happy to say that Tim has mad skillz in that area.
2) Comment deleted
3) Pads or tampons?
Hi, it's 2006, tampons. I can't believe they even still make pads. All you need is one major accident (purple shorts, seventh grade, I'm still traumatized because I had to call my goddamned DAD to get permission to go home and change) and you will never again make that mistake. I don't wear anything at night (except granny panties) because I feel gravity is in my favor there. Except when I want some action, then I highly recommend these.
4) Can I ask why was the comment [question #2] deleted?
You'd have to ask the author, I never saw it.
5) I want to know how to debone a fish or roast a chicken.
One word: Martha. But I'll say it twice so I can give you two links: Martha, again.
6) What is the remedy for apathy at work?
Well first you have to decide what the problem is, you or the workplace. If it's the particular workplace rather than your profession in general you can ask your boss ask for some more challenging projects, or volunteer to take on additional responsibilities that are outside of your job and could give you a breather from the same old grind. But we all know that's probably not going to help. So start looking for a new job.
If it's more of a personal problem than a situational issue, you're just going to have to determine what motivates you. For most of us the desire to avoid getting fired is just about enough. Set your own goals and have rewards and consequences (chicken tikka masala on Friday if you're all caught up on paperwork, overtime if not even if that cuts into your weekend plans) that you actually stick to.
Relatively few people like to work, especially on stupid bureaucratic crap but we've all got to do it. Try to think about why you got into your industry in the first place, and if the opportunity to save lost puppies or whatever isn't doing it for you anymore maybe you need a change.
7) I actually want to know what the heck is an RSS feed and how does it work?
RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication and it is essentially a broadcast from a website that lets you know that content has been updated. You set up a website or other collection mechanism (I think you can use Blackberries and stuff) and they monitor the incoming info and hang on to it for you. It is almost sort of like Tivo for the internet, but obviously nowhere near as cool. I think it started out more as a tool for keeping up on the news, but now it's all over the place, including on blogs such as this one.
8) What would you do if chicken tikka masala ceased to exist?
Actually, and it surprised me as much as it will you, but I wouldn't really care. I'm more of a paneer tikka masala girl these days.
9) When are you going to cook one of your yummy cheesy tasty dishes?
As soon as somone invites me to a potluck (with more than 24 hrs notice).
10) If you had to wear a toga to work, would you wear it proudly?
Hells yes! That shit would be so comfortable. My only concern would be wearing white all the time, so hopefully my workplace would support the modern toga, in a variety of lovely patterns and fabrics.
11) How about this for a headline? Beverlicious: Sweet and Saucy
Well done on noticing my secret contest! Unfortunately I think that headline is one of those things that someone else can say about you, but if you say it about yourself you look like an idiot. Wouldn't you want to smack someone who described herself as "saucy"?
12) With the newest evidence found by scientists supporting the big bang theory, what effect do you think it will have on creationist theory and religion in general?
Absolutely none whatsoever. The various churches of the world will continue to blatantly ignore science unless it supports their crazy bullshit. And on that topic, how can a "religion" that thinks we're all aliens call itself Scientology?
13) Walt, is that a rhetorical question?
No. And don't call me Walt.
At 10:35 PM,
el walto said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 10:36 PM,
el walto said…
Great answers! And yes, it was a rhetorical question. We all know that there's no such thing as gravity because it's not in the bible.
Regarding the Instead Cup, it's a great alternative to tampons or pads because it doesn't contain any of the bleaching chemicals that are used to make things white. Those chemicals have been known, in rare cases, to cause adverse effects in some women. The practical caveats that I know of with the cup is that you have to be comfortable with being able to place it, and vigorous sex can dislodge it.
At 3:07 PM,
Akasha said…
1. I can't believe you don't use anything at night.. if I didn't used pads (I'm a daytime tampon user) I'd be swimming in blood when the alarm clock went off.
2. I'm impressed with your RSS knowledge! I have a vague idea of what it is but have found no usefulness in its existance as of yet.
At 5:31 PM,
Shelley said…
I'm with you Julienne....dumbfounded by the nothing at night!!!
At 8:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
AGREED! I can't believe nothing at night. You are one lucky gal. I would have way to much laundry to do if I tried that.
As a reformed Catholic and born again Christian escapee I wholeheartedly concur with your answer on number 12. -H
At 8:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
AGREED! I can't believe nothing at night. You are one lucky gal. I would have way to much laundry to do if I tried that.
As a reformed Catholic and born again Christian escapee I wholeheartedly concur with your answer on number 12. -H
At 8:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh Walt, FYI. The cup sucks is difficult to get in and out and is super messy. It doesn't work.
At 5:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
This comment is in regards to Walt's comment. Why the heck would they turn something white if it will turn red anyway? Assholes. Great answers. Ok I know waht to do to get the yummy cheesy dish.
Instead cups hmm? I guess it's good for scuba diving? Is that so the sharks don't get the diver? When I clicked on the link they had a polaroid of a scuba diver on the left. I guess the picture changes...
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