Like my friend Ice Cube always says...
Today was a good day. Well yesterday was actually but we are going to pretend that that is when I was writing this entry...
After six meetings about BAGELS** I decided I really needed a mental health day or I was going to start screaming in the hallway and probably wouldn't be able to stop until someone shoved one of said bagels into my mouth (after completing the requisition forms in triplicate of course). So I called in with only a slightly fictional migraine and had Thursday all to myself, yay! I celebrated by spending hundreds of dollars on new tires and then went on to spend another big chunk at Target, almost all of which was for other people. Then I wanted some presents for myself so I went to the library (I was out in Walnut Creek) and loaded up on their 50 cent paperbacks. Let me clarify, those are books that cost 50 cents, not books by 50 Cent--which are apparently coming soon to a bookstore near you. So for $12 I got enough reading material to last me probably two years since I don't seem to have time to read anymore anyway. But when the time does come, oh will I have books!
The best part of the day was going back to my favorite hairstylist, Azar at Grateful Head in WC. I had been lazy for the past several months and was just going to a place downstairs from work for cuts, but the lady really got off track last time and I was pretty unhappy. But I knew Azar would be able to fix it, and fix it she did! And I got bangs to boot! So it was an exciting hair day...generally I'm pretty much just coexisting with my hair, so it was nice to have something fun and new. BANGS people! Times they are a-changin'!
I finished up my Walnut Creek day with dinner at Pyramid with Shel, which was super as always; we always have such good talks. Then wrapped up the night with a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks and some quality time on the couch with Tim. That man has me watching ridiculous reality TV and enjoying it, it must be love, ha ha.
So that's what I've got. It is always so nice to have a break during the week when it feels that much more restful because you know all the suckers are stuck at work. I really hope that Lotto jackpot comes in soon so I can realize my career goal of being a lady who lunches...
**I am planning the Welcome Breakfast for when my office moves to downtown Berkeley next month and like everything else here, they manage to take the smallest detail and turn it into a nightmare of meetings, approval chains five people long, incomprehensible forms, and last minute changes that require us to start the cycle over ad naseum...
After six meetings about BAGELS** I decided I really needed a mental health day or I was going to start screaming in the hallway and probably wouldn't be able to stop until someone shoved one of said bagels into my mouth (after completing the requisition forms in triplicate of course). So I called in with only a slightly fictional migraine and had Thursday all to myself, yay! I celebrated by spending hundreds of dollars on new tires and then went on to spend another big chunk at Target, almost all of which was for other people. Then I wanted some presents for myself so I went to the library (I was out in Walnut Creek) and loaded up on their 50 cent paperbacks. Let me clarify, those are books that cost 50 cents, not books by 50 Cent--which are apparently coming soon to a bookstore near you. So for $12 I got enough reading material to last me probably two years since I don't seem to have time to read anymore anyway. But when the time does come, oh will I have books!
The best part of the day was going back to my favorite hairstylist, Azar at Grateful Head in WC. I had been lazy for the past several months and was just going to a place downstairs from work for cuts, but the lady really got off track last time and I was pretty unhappy. But I knew Azar would be able to fix it, and fix it she did! And I got bangs to boot! So it was an exciting hair day...generally I'm pretty much just coexisting with my hair, so it was nice to have something fun and new. BANGS people! Times they are a-changin'!
I finished up my Walnut Creek day with dinner at Pyramid with Shel, which was super as always; we always have such good talks. Then wrapped up the night with a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks and some quality time on the couch with Tim. That man has me watching ridiculous reality TV and enjoying it, it must be love, ha ha.
So that's what I've got. It is always so nice to have a break during the week when it feels that much more restful because you know all the suckers are stuck at work. I really hope that Lotto jackpot comes in soon so I can realize my career goal of being a lady who lunches...
**I am planning the Welcome Breakfast for when my office moves to downtown Berkeley next month and like everything else here, they manage to take the smallest detail and turn it into a nightmare of meetings, approval chains five people long, incomprehensible forms, and last minute changes that require us to start the cycle over ad naseum...
At 2:35 PM,
Akasha said…
I love playing hooky.. sounds like you had a good day. :)
At 4:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
"It's ain't got no ain't got sh__ to do."
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